Saturday, October 13, 2012

A journey begins with the first step...

And the first step for this particular journey is actually 'telling everyone' what we are planning.  So far only a few friends and family know about our decision to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela next year.  Now it is out..... We are planning to walk 800km from St Jean Pied de Port across northern Spain to Santiago.

Por que?
( I can certainly hear some voices saying - You??? Who always said 'walk' was a 'four letter word'. You must be doing a 'virtual' walk!  I kid you not, it's on the 'bucket list' and now is perfect timing.)

I guess it's the challenge of such a journey that appeals so much.  We did many day walks in the mountains around Cusco, Peru, and although that was often a struggle at that altitude, we really enjoyed it.  Lex has always talked of doing long walks - I've always been the stumbling block. Time for change.

So far we are only in the planning and preparation stages. Shoes bought first and lots of walking practice happening, which is why we are taking part in the 7 Bridges Walk later this month.  Great opportunity for 26km walk and raise money for a worthwhile cause at the same time. Feel free to donate and support our team.

Lex has been walking with 5L wine bladder full of water for several weeks, and finds his new pack quite comfortable.  I'm still to do any weight training. We are planning to walk May 2013 so there's plenty of time yet.

Much to do before then both in preparation for the walk as well other important things happening in our lives.

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