Friday, December 21, 2012

I did it!

Today I walked 6km carrying 6kg. Yeah!!

I still have a long way to go to be able to carry my 6-7kg pack further, or anywhere near our planned daily average of 25km. But I will get there. Poco a poco.

And for those locals who have been following our daily early AM training, yes, I have progressed from a pillow in my pack to real clothes, and gradually increasing the weight, 4kg, back down to 3kg, then 4.3kg, and now 6.3kg.

Getting better all the time, and we have just under 4 months until we begin the trek. Plenty of time. ;-)


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Just baby steps

Slowly working towards our goal - to walk the Camino de Santiago.


Shoes are worn in - well they certainly look warn in... Dusty and scruffy, and best of all NO blisters.

I've walk most days and I have started carrying my pack. Looks the real deal eh? At the moment it only contains a pillow. It's a heavy one! It's a start - remember "baby steps'. It has certainly slowed me down. We don't quite make the pace we did before the pack. And we have cut back a bit too. 6km is enough isn't it? We still have 4 months before we go.

We make an early start- it really is the best time to be out walking.

Flights are booked. We leave 18 April. Lots of details to work out, but we have allowed ourselves plenty of time,so no need to rush. And I'm still practising Spanish every day. Mi español está mejorando, pero todavía no es bueno.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Note to self re blogging on an iPad

Blogging from an iPad should be easy. Why is it sooooo difficult?

Previously I've used Blogger in a browser on a laptop, and it works well. I upload images to Picasa album, and then link to those photos. Last year I managed to do a bit of blogging, or editing on an iPod Touch, using the Blogger mobile app, but all images were done from a laptop. Now that I think back, can't be sure that I was really using the mobile Blogger app, or just a link to the web page, which displayed as the mobile display. Either way, with some levels of frustration I was able to edit some typos on the iPod Touch.

Now, using Blogger within a Safari browser window on the iPad is fine for entering text, but impossible for editing text or inserting pictures where you want them to appear, BECAUSE it is impossible to scroll down the text window. You can only work on what can be seen .... so only the top of the blog entry. How frustrating.

So looking around for other options.

Firstly, I'm happy with Blogger as a blog space- would like to stick to it if I can, but would be prepared to look at other options to alleviate the frustration.

Quick look at TravelPod .... No I don't need to learn another blog environment.

Looked at Blogger app - Rejected because

  • It is an iPhone app so doesn't display any more on the screen, just bigger everything.
  • Doesn't allow me to edit existing blogs using WYSIWYG format. So existing entries don't display images, just a whole lot of gobbledygook. Doesn't help if I want to rearrange images etc.
  • linking to Picasa images doesn't seem as easy either
Downloaded and briefly tested out a few apps, even paying for them ..... unfortunately, before settling on Blogsy. Yes, Sophie, I know that's the one you suggested, but I was already testing some of the others first.


So Blogsy is it, for now. It isn't a free app, but so far so good.

  • I can link to my Blogger blogs - it's an app for creating blogs, not a publishing space.
  • It has some formatting tools we have become accustomed to in any desktop publishing
  • I can link my Picasa albums, or insert photos or videos from Camera Roll, using drag and drop
  • Existing blog entries display as they do on the web, allowing for easier editing. Yeah!!!
All nice .... So far so good. Will see how it goes.

Also has good support, including video tutorials - when all else fails, that is. Looking good!



Sunday, October 28, 2012

We can go the distance!!

Yesterday we completed the 7 Bridges Walk, along with Don, Sharon and Shane.

Thanks to Sharon for suggesting it. Great company, festival atmosphere, cheery camaraderie between walkers, and a worthy cause, raising money for cancer. Thanks to friends who supported us and the Cancer Appeal.

But it was also an awesome way to see Sydney. We saw parts of Sydney we have never seen and would be unlikely to encounter. Many surprises for the day.

Think we crossed more than 7 bridges, but who was counting. Amazing to see all the walkers - all ages, sizes, walking styles and abilities, but by far the most common thing for the day was the vast array of sports/travel gear - Lycra gym outfits, travel pants/shorts, wicking style shirts, elaborate backpacks and colourful shoes.

We started shortly after 7.30am, established a steady pace, which was closely monitored by Shane. Our goal was 5.5 hours, with average pace of 12 min kilometres. We started off faster, knowing the back end would be slower. After the first 'pit' stop, he was pushing us to make up the 80m we lost. What a slave driver. After the next one, with l-o-n-g queue, and 6 minutes behind, the plan was out the window.
New goal. Finish whenever. We only stopped for necessities and supplies, fearing that if we sat down we mightn't get up. Finished the walk before 2pm - 26.9 km in 6 hours 12 minutes averaging 13.8min kilometres. Great effort by all.

In the end - a few aches, a little stiffness the next morning (but easily walked out), but NO blisters. A FANTASTIC result I say.

Lessons for the camino - we will probably aim for a slightly slower average pace giving a more time to soak it up and 'smell the roses'. We CAN walk that distance in a day and have time at the end of the day to enjoy the social life on the camino, but think we will break the day stopping for meal breaks. We managed quite a few hills in the route, but they are not the Pyrenees. Just another challenge.

26.91km..... An average daily walk in our camino plans. So we can do it for one day, just need to back up for approximately 30 more days! Another challenge.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

A journey begins with the first step...

And the first step for this particular journey is actually 'telling everyone' what we are planning.  So far only a few friends and family know about our decision to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela next year.  Now it is out..... We are planning to walk 800km from St Jean Pied de Port across northern Spain to Santiago.

Por que?
( I can certainly hear some voices saying - You??? Who always said 'walk' was a 'four letter word'. You must be doing a 'virtual' walk!  I kid you not, it's on the 'bucket list' and now is perfect timing.)

I guess it's the challenge of such a journey that appeals so much.  We did many day walks in the mountains around Cusco, Peru, and although that was often a struggle at that altitude, we really enjoyed it.  Lex has always talked of doing long walks - I've always been the stumbling block. Time for change.

So far we are only in the planning and preparation stages. Shoes bought first and lots of walking practice happening, which is why we are taking part in the 7 Bridges Walk later this month.  Great opportunity for 26km walk and raise money for a worthwhile cause at the same time. Feel free to donate and support our team.

Lex has been walking with 5L wine bladder full of water for several weeks, and finds his new pack quite comfortable.  I'm still to do any weight training. We are planning to walk May 2013 so there's plenty of time yet.

Much to do before then both in preparation for the walk as well other important things happening in our lives.